Slicing Vectors


This is a literate haskell document. It was developed using GHC version 8.10.4 with the following extensions:

{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} -- `*` is not type
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

And these are the imports:

module Main where

import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy

The Problem

It all started with a text book problem asking to implement:

splitInHalves :: [a] -> ([a], [a])

One possible implementation could be:

splitInHalves xs = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs

Of course, this has one big problem:

badSplit :: ([Int], [Int])
badSplit = splitInHalves $ repeat 69

I.e., when the list is infinite, this code compiles without raising any warnings or errors.

Can I write a safe version of this function?

As the problem arises when lists are infinite, it seems natural that the solution would try to forbid them.

Let's first try a simple solution that fails controllably when the list is too long at runtime.

safeSplitInHalves :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], [a])
safeSplitInHalves limit xs = splitAt <$> fmap (`div` 2) (safeLength 0 xs) <*> pure xs
    safeLength acc [] = Just acc
    safeLength acc (_ : ys) =
        if acc > limit
            then Nothing
            else safeLength (acc + 1) ys

Now, nothing prevents someone to still write:

safeBadSplit :: Int -> Maybe ([Int], [Int])
safeBadSplit = (`safeSplitInHalves` repeat 69)

It still type checks fine, but at the end is just a fancy way of writing const Nothing that uses more memory.

Can I write a function that fails to type check for the badSplit?

Perhaps I shouldn't, but I can certainly try.

The cause of problems with the previous version is that I don't know if the list is finite at compile time. This is why the next solution uses vectors, which could be thought as list with known length at compile time. The way to implement vectors in Haskell is well established.

I start by defining Peano naturals' type:

-- | Peano naturals
data Nat where
    Z :: Nat
    S :: Nat -> Nat

-- some constants
one :: Nat
one = S Z

two :: Nat
two = S one

three :: Nat
three = S two

four :: Nat
four = S three

-- some Kind constants
type Zero = 'Z
type One = 'S Zero
type Two = 'S One
type Three = 'S Two
type Four = 'S Three
type Five = 'S Four

Now I can define vectors of known length:

-- | A Vector has known length at compile time
data Vect :: Nat -> Type -> Type where
    VNil :: Vect 'Z a
    (:#) :: a -> Vect n a -> Vect ('S n) a
infixr 5 :#

-- | Example vector
example :: Vect Four Char
example = '1' :# '2' :# '3' :# '4' :# VNil

In this case example is known to be of length 4 at compile time. Trying to add more elements in its definition would result in a type error.

One example of using vector is safely computing the head of a vector known to contain at least one element:

-- | Safe head of a vector
vHead :: Vect ('S n) a -> a
vHead (x :# _) = x

Writing increasingly complex functions

Still with my goal in mind, I decided to try to write some more functions over Vect.

Take One, Drop One

One function, over lists, that plays nicer with Haskell laziness could be:

-- | Return half of the elements taking one, dropping the next, etc...
skipHalfTheElements :: [a] -> [a]
skipHalfTheElements [] = []
skipHalfTheElements [_] = []
skipHalfTheElements (x : _ : xs) = x : skipHalfTheElements xs

I can write one that works on Vect like:

-- | Compute the half of a natural number
type family NatHalf (n :: Nat) :: Nat where
    NatHalf 'Z = 'Z
    NatHalf ('S 'Z) = 'Z
    NatHalf ('S ('S n)) = 'S (NatHalf n)

-- Grab every other value
takeOneDropOne :: Vect n a -> Vect (NatHalf n) a
takeOneDropOne VNil = VNil
takeOneDropOne (_ :# VNil) = VNil
takeOneDropOne (x :# (_ :# xs)) = x :# takeOneDropOne xs

-- I know the result has length Two
skippedExample :: Vect Two Char
skippedExample = takeOneDropOne example

As its signature suggests, takeOneDropOne takes a Vect with n element and returns one with half the input length. For this function to work, I need to provide a way to compute the half, and that is what NatHalf does.

NatHalf is a type level function that takes types of kind Nat and returns their half. I could have made a mistake writing it, but if it's correct then, at compile time, I know that the output of takeOneDropOne has half the length of the input.

Droping elements from a vector

Next I implemented vDrop that works like drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a] but for Vect. To know the length of the result at compile time, the type checker also needs to know the amount that will be dropped and that the original vector has enough elements.

For the later, I define, the usual type level addition of naturals:

type family (:+:) (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Nat where
    (:+:) 'Z m = m
    (:+:) ('S n) m = 'S (n :+: m)

The amount to drop can be passed using a singleton type. A singleton type is a type that only has one constructor. That means that given the type, there is only one way to construct the value.

SNat n is a type indexed by a natural that is also a singleton. This is also the familiar way of implementing it.

-- | Singleton type indexed by naturals.
data SNat :: Nat -> Type where
    SZ :: SNat 'Z
    SS :: SNat n -> SNat ('S n)

-- | Some synonyms
type SZero = SNat 'Z
type SOne = SNat ( 'S 'Z )
type STwo = SNat ( 'S ('S 'Z ))
type SThree = SNat ( 'S ( 'S ('S 'Z )))
type SFour = SNat ( 'S ('S ( 'S ('S 'Z ))))
type SFive = SNat ( 'S ('S ('S ( 'S ('S 'Z )))))

Because knowing that a value has some type SNat n means knowing how it's built. The translation from type to value can be "automated" with a type class.

class Singleton a where
    reify :: Proxy a -> a

instance Singleton (SNat 'Z) where
    reify Proxy = SZ

instance Singleton (SNat n) => Singleton (SNat ('S n)) where
    reify Proxy = SS (reify Proxy)

The data Proxy a = Proxy is a technique to bring a type to the context without bringing any particular value. With this instance we can define some constants easily:

szero :: SZero
szero = reify Proxy

sone :: SOne
sone = reify Proxy

stwo :: STwo
stwo = reify Proxy

sthree :: SThree
sthree = reify Proxy

sfour :: SFour
sfour = reify Proxy

sfive :: SFive
sfive = reify Proxy

Now I've all the pieces to build the vDrop function that follows:

-- | Type safe drop function
vDrop :: SNat n -> Vect (n :+: m) a -> Vect m a
vDrop SZ xs = xs
vDrop (SS n) (_ :# xs) = vDrop n xs

-- | Example using vDrop
droppedExample :: Vect One Char
droppedExample = vDrop sthree example

Taking elements from a vector

Writing vTake turned out to be harder than vDrop and required an ad hoc construction to turn it type safe:

-- | LTE n m, proof that n <= m
data LTE :: Nat -> Nat -> Type where
    LTEZero :: LTE 'Z m
    LTESucc :: LTE n m -> LTE ('S n) ('S m)

The LTE n m type, indexed by two naturals, can only be constructed if n <= m. This is a known way to represent it. It could be read as:

With this representation there is only one way to proof that n <= m. This means that LTE n m is a singleton hence:

instance Singleton (LTE 'Z m) where
    reify _ = LTEZero

instance Singleton (LTE n m) => Singleton (LTE ('S n) ('S m)) where
    reify _ = LTESucc (reify Proxy)
-- | Take n elements from a vector of length t with n <= t.
vTake :: LTE n t -> Vect t a -> Vect n a
vTake LTEZero _ = VNil
vTake (LTESucc p) (x :# xs) = x :# vTake p xs

-- Example using `vTake`
takedExample :: Vect Three Char
takedExample = vTake (reify Proxy) example

I could use reify Proxy in this case instead of sthree, which is nice. Also, the amount to take, can be deduced from the proof that we have enough elements to take, so I don't need to pass a SNat n.

Can I slice vectors type-safely?

Yes, and I figured this one out before vTake.

Before approaching the halving of a Vect, I took a look at the, perhaps, more general problem of slicing vectors. Slicing is a term python or R programmers use to describe the action of extracting a sub-collection from a collection (usually lists or arrays).

My solution also uses an ad hoc type to represent, at the type level, the values that I want to slice out.

-- | Indices for slices
data Slice (k :: Nat) :: Nat -> Vect k Bool -> Type where
    -- | Extract nothing from an empty Vect
    SliceNil :: Slice 'Z 'Z 'VNil
    -- | Include the next value
    SliceInc :: Slice t i is -> Slice ('S t) ('S i) ('True ':# is)
    -- | Remove the next value
    SliceRem :: Slice t i is -> Slice ('S t) i      ('False ':# is)

A type of Slice Two One '['False, 'True] means extract a total of One value from a Vect of length Two where the first value is removed and the second included.

I don't think I need Vect k Bool to index this type, and that [Bool] is enough if I'm careful writing the constructors. But using a Vect k Bool makes breaking the invariant a type error.

This type also happens to be a singleton.

instance Singleton (Slice 'Z 'Z 'VNil) where
    reify Proxy = SliceNil

instance Singleton (Slice t i is) => Singleton (Slice ( 'S t ) i ( 'False ':# is) ) where
    reify Proxy = SliceRem (reify Proxy)

instance Singleton (Slice t i is) => Singleton (Slice ( 'S t ) ('S i) ( 'True ':# is) ) where
    reify Proxy = SliceInc (reify Proxy)

With these definitions vSlice is easy to write. It takes a Slice t i is and a Vect t a as inputs and returns a Vect i a where the k-th element of Vect t a is present in Vect i a if the k-th element of is is True.

-- | Slices the i indices from a vector
vSlice :: Slice t i is -> Vect t a -> Vect i a
vSlice SliceNil _ = VNil
vSlice (SliceInc is) (x :# xs) = x :# vSlice is xs
vSlice (SliceRem is) (_ :# xs) = vSlice is xs

-- | Example using slice
slicedExample1 :: Vect Two Char
slicedExample1 = vSlice (SliceInc (SliceRem (SliceRem (SliceInc SliceNil)))) example

Nice. The Slice value has to be carefully crafted, but the type checker ensures that exactly two values are selected.

Special Slices

But perhaps there are special slices that don't require us to construct the full value by hand.

The null slice

One of them is the slice that selects nothing. Because it's always possible to select nothing, Vect 'Z a is a terminal object.

The type of a slice that selects nothing can be computed from the length of the input vector. The following type level function computes a Vect n Bool where every element is False.

type family DropAll (n :: Nat) :: Vect n Bool where
    DropAll 'Z = 'VNil
    DropAll ('S n) = 'False ':# DropAll n

With this function we can compute, at compile time, the type of a slice that selects nothing, like the one used in the following function:

-- | The null slice
vEliminate :: Slice n 'Z (DropAll n) -> Vect n a -> Vect 'Z a
vEliminate = vSlice

-- | Select nothing example
elimintadExample :: Vect 'Z Char
elimintadExample = vEliminate (reify Proxy) example

The identity slice

Conversely, another slice that we could surely take is the slice that selects everything.

type family TakeAll (n :: Nat) :: Vect n Bool where
    TakeAll 'Z = 'VNil
    TakeAll ('S n) = 'True ':# TakeAll n

-- | The identity slice
vDuplicate :: Slice n n (TakeAll n) -> Vect n a -> Vect n a
vDuplicate = vSlice

duplicatedExample :: Vect Four Char
duplicatedExample = vDuplicate (reify Proxy) example

This is very similar to the previous case.

More Special Slices

In the previous two functions, we could say the we already know the result before applying the function. The output of the next slices depends less trivially on on their input.

First Half Slice

One thing, that I can do with any vector is look at its first half. Can I write a function that does this and doesn't require to explicitly construct the Slice?

Yes, and it turns out to be more involved that the previous functions. Concretely, it involved writing five new type level functions; the last one actually computing the type of the slice.

That is, given for example 2 :: Nat it returns Slice 2 1 [True, False], which is to select the first half.

-- | Less than equal over nats
type family LTEB (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Bool where
    LTEB 'Z m = 'True
    LTEB ( 'S n ) 'Z = 'False
    LTEB ( 'S n ) ( 'S m ) = LTEB n m

-- | Add an element to the end of a vector
type family Snoc (xs :: Vect k a) (y :: a) :: Vect ('S k) a where
    Snoc 'VNil y = y ':# 'VNil
    Snoc (x ':# xs) y = x ':# Snoc xs y

-- | Reverse a vector
type family Reverse (xs :: Vect nx a) :: Vect nx a where
    Reverse 'VNil = 'VNil
    Reverse (x ':# xs) = Snoc (Reverse xs) x

-- | Auxiliar Recursive function that selects the first half of a vector of
-- length m
type family FirstHalfIdxAux (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Vect m Bool where
    FirstHalfIdxAux n 'Z = 'VNil
    FirstHalfIdxAux n ('S m) = LTEB ('S m) (NatHalf n) ':# FirstHalfIdxAux n m

type family FirstHalfIdx (n :: Nat) :: Vect n Bool where
    FirstHalfIdx n = Reverse (FirstHalfIdxAux n n)

It important to note that the correctness of the following code dependes on the correctness of the previous functions. In other words, if there is an error above then the code below could be wrong despite type checking.

Anyway, with these functions I can finally select the first half:

-- | The first half of a vector
vFirstHalf :: Slice t (NatHalf t) (FirstHalfIdx t) -> Vect t a -> Vect (NatHalf t) a
vFirstHalf = vSlice

firstHalfExample :: Vect Two Char
firstHalfExample = vFirstHalf (reify Proxy) example

Second Half Slice

After the first half, it comes the second half. And the law of halves is that the two have to recombine into the original object when combined in the proper order.

This translates into five new type level functions, that accomplish the goal of computing the type of the slice that selects the second half.

-- forall (n :: Nat) . NatHalf n :+: NatHalfC n = n
type family NatHalfC (n :: Nat) :: Nat where
    NatHalfC 'Z = 'Z
    NatHalfC ('S 'Z) = 'S 'Z
    NatHalfC ('S ('S n)) = 'S (NatHalfC n)

-- | Type level not
type family NOTB (n :: Bool) :: Bool where
    NOTB 'True = 'False
    NOTB 'False = 'True

-- | Greater than over Nat
type family GTB (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Bool where
    GTB n m = NOTB (LTEB n m)

type family SecondHalfIdxAux (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Vect m Bool where
    SecondHalfIdxAux n 'Z = 'VNil
    SecondHalfIdxAux n ('S m) = GTB ('S m) (NatHalf n) ':# SecondHalfIdxAux n m

type family SecondHalfIdx (n :: Nat) :: Vect n Bool where
    SecondHalfIdx n = Reverse (SecondHalfIdxAux n n)

With all this help, I can write the function that extracts the second half:

-- | The second half of a vector
vSecondHalf :: Slice t (NatHalfC t) (SecondHalfIdx t) -> Vect t a -> Vect (NatHalfC t) a
vSecondHalf = vSlice

secondHalfExample :: Vect Two Char
secondHalfExample = vSecondHalf (reify Proxy) example

What about the original problem?

With all these tools it is now easy to write a safe solution to the original problem:

-- | Split a vector in two halves
vHalve :: Slice t (NatHalf t) (FirstHalfIdx t)
    -> Slice t (NatHalfC t) (SecondHalfIdx t)
    -> Vect t a -> (Vect (NatHalf t) a, Vect (NatHalfC t) a)
vHalve fh sh xs = (vFirstHalf fh xs, vSecondHalf sh xs)

halvedExample :: (Vect Two Char, Vect Two Char)
halvedExample = vHalve (reify Proxy) (reify Proxy) example

Finally a type safe solution. I still need those (reify Proxy) arguments, which is not ideal.

How does this work in the "real" world?

So far all examples have been based on the example vector which is known at compile time because it is defined in the code. In that regard, the original splitInHalves function can also split any list you can type. The type safe functions, to this point, have only helped the type checker to find errors on the values I've provided at compile time.

To interact with "the real world", I would need to read vectors from it. The length of these vectors are unknown at compile time. How does it work? How do these functions help?

A case study

To explore the answers to these questions, I'll consider the following program:

  1. Ask for a n :: Nat
  2. Ask for n Integers and store them in a v :: Vect n Integer
  3. Ask for a second m :: Nat
  4. Ensure that m <= n
  5. Take m elements from v to form new vector.

I started with the simple case of converting an Integer to a Nat since Integers can be easly read from stdin:

intToNat :: Integer -> Maybe Nat
intToNat n
    | n < 0 = Nothing
    | n == 0 = Just Z
    | otherwise = S <$> intToNat (n - 1)

The conversion might fail, but the failure can be catched by pattern matching the Nothing. If it doesn't, then I have obtained a Nat from the user.

The function vTake, necessary for the last step, requires a SNat n, and I have a Nat. To promote that Nat into a SNat n I used the next function that takes as its first argument a function that needs to handle all possible SNat n.

-- | Construct un SNat n from the nat n
promoteNat :: forall k . (forall (n :: Nat) . SNat n -> k) -> Nat -> k
promoteNat f Z = f SZ
promoteNat f (S n) = promoteNat (f . SS) n

I can use that SNat n, for any value of n, to ask the user for the vector:

-- | Read Vect of a from stdin
readVec :: Read a => SNat n -> IO (Vect n a)
readVec SZ = pure VNil
readVec (SS n) = do
    vecElem <- read <$> getLine
    (vecElem :#) <$> readVec n

So far I have the vector, then I can ask for m :: Nat in a similar way as before. Once I have both n :: Nat and m :: Nat, I need to verify that m <= n by constructing LTE m n:

-- | Run the function if we can prove that n <= m
promoteLTE :: (LTE n m -> k) -> SNat n -> SNat m -> Maybe k
promoteLTE f SZ _ = Just $ f LTEZero
promoteLTE _ (SS _) SZ = Nothing
promoteLTE f (SS n) (SS m) = promoteLTE (f . LTESucc) n m

All I need to do now is put these pieces in the right order:

Obtain a SNat n from the user

step0 :: IO ()
step0 = do
    putStr "Vector length: \n ?"
    mVecLen <- intToNat . (read :: String -> Integer) <$> getLine

    case promoteNat step1 <$> mVecLen of
        Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to obtain Nat"
        Just action -> action

Obtain a Vect n Integer and SNat m

-- Having obtained a valid natural n, read n integers from `Stdin`
-- Then ask for how many elements to take
step1 :: forall (n :: Nat) . SNat n -> IO ()
step1 n = do
    putStrLn "Enter elemnts"
    vec <- readVec n :: IO (Vect n Integer)

    putStrLn $ "Input: " ++ show vec

    putStr "Number to Take: \n ?"
    mTake <- intToNat . (read :: String -> Integer) <$> getLine

    case promoteNat (step2 vec n) <$> mTake of
        Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to obtain Nat"
        Just action -> action

Check if m <= n

-- If the elements to take n are a valid natural then
-- Make sure it is less than then length of the vector
step2 :: Vect k Integer -> SNat k -> SNat n -> IO ()
step2 vec k n = case promoteLTE (step3 vec) n k of
    Nothing -> putStrLn "Not LTE"
    Just action -> action

Take the m elements

-- If we take less than or equal elements, proceed to take.
-- No checks needed.
step3 :: Vect m Integer -> LTE n m -> IO ()
step3 vec lte = putStrLn $ "Taken: " ++ show (vTake lte vec)

And that's it.


Using the type safe function vTake required to carefully check that all preconditions were met without using undefined. So, I could say the code is safer.

On the other hand, the resulting code is more "complex" and I've transferred some of the risk to the type level functions. Those could be wrong in some cases and would require testing.

Finally, this code forbids taking more than what you have; and that could be a very important constraint to enforce in some applications.


Some of the techniques used in this document come from "Dependent Type Programming with Singletons" by R. A. Eisenberg and S. Weirich.

Idris' base library source code was also used for reference.

Haskell's singleton libraray's source code was also consulted.


This is the rest of the code that drives the previous post, together with some functions that I wrote and ened up not using.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    putStrLn $ "Example: " ++ show example
    putStrLn $ "Take one, drop one: " ++ show skippedExample
    putStrLn $ "Dropped: " ++ show droppedExample
    putStrLn $ "Sliced: " ++ show slicedExample1
    putStrLn $ "Eliminated: " ++ show elimintadExample
    putStrLn $ "Duplicated: " ++ show duplicatedExample
    putStrLn $ "First Half: " ++ show firstHalfExample
    putStrLn $ "Second Half: " ++ show secondHalfExample
    putStrLn $ "Halves: " ++ show halvedExample
    putStrLn $ "Taked: " ++ show takedExample


instance Show a => Show (Vect n a) where
    show VNil = "VNil"
    show (x :# xs) = show x ++ " :# " ++ show xs

printVec :: Show a => Vect n a -> String
printVec v = "{" ++ printRec v ++ "}"

printRec :: Show a => Vect n a -> String
printRec VNil = ""
printRec (x :# VNil) = show x
printRec (x :# xs@(_ :# _)) = show x ++ " ; " ++ printRec xs

instance Show (Slice 'Z 'Z 'VNil) where
    show SliceNil = "SliceNil"

instance Show (Slice t i is) => Show (Slice ( 'S t ) i ( 'False ':# is) ) where
    show (SliceRem is) = "SliceRem " ++ show is

instance Show (Slice t i is) => Show (Slice ( 'S t ) ('S i) ( 'True ':# is) ) where
    show (SliceInc is) = "SliceInc " ++ show is

-- | Less than over Nat
type family LTB (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Bool where
    LTB n m = LTEB ('S n) m

-- | Greater than equal over Nat
type family GTEB (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Bool where
    GTEB 'Z m = 'False
    GTEB ( 'S n ) 'Z = 'True
    GTEB ( 'S n ) ( 'S m ) = GTEB n m

promoteVec :: SNat n -> [a] -> Maybe (Vect n a)
promoteVec SZ [] = Just VNil
promoteVec SZ (_ : _) = Nothing
promoteVec (SS _) [] = Nothing
promoteVec (SS n) (x : xs) = (x :#) <$> promoteVec n xs

demoteSNat :: SNat n -> Nat
demoteSNat SZ = Z
demoteSNat (SS n) = S (demoteSNat n)

natToInt :: Nat -> Integer
natToInt Z = 0
natToInt (S n) = 1 + natToInt n

promoteLTE1 :: forall (n :: Nat) k . (forall (m :: Nat) . LTE n m -> k) -> SNat n -> Integer -> Maybe k
promoteLTE1 f n m
    | m < 0 = Nothing
    | m == 0 = case n of
        SZ -> Just $ f LTEZero
        _ -> Nothing
    | otherwise = case n of
        SZ -> Just $ f LTEZero
        (SS n') -> promoteLTE1 (f . LTESucc) n' (m - 1)

promoteLTE2 :: forall k . (forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) . LTE n m -> k) -> Integer -> Integer -> Maybe k
promoteLTE2 f n m
    | n < 0 || m < 0 = Nothing
    | n > m = Nothing
    | n == 0 = Just $ f LTEZero
    | otherwise = promoteLTE2 (f . LTESucc) (n - 1) m